
Scientists are finding plants to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings.

Indoor Plants for Better Breathing

Those plants in your office are not only decorative; scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings.

All sorts of dangers lurk inside – formaldehyde and benzene fumes released from building materials, furniture, and carpeting; ozone from copy machines; fumes from cleaning solvents, and more.

In an initial NASA study, over a dozen varieties of common interior plants were placed in sealed, Plexiglas chambers. Formaldehyde was introduced. Within 24 hours the plants – Philodendrons, Spider Plants, and Golden Pothos – removed 80% of the formaldehyde molecules from the chamber. You can use plants in your office to improve the quality of air to make it a more pleasant place to work – where people feel and perform better! In fact Green Globes (operated in the US by the Green Building Initiative), a competitor with LEED, already awards points in their Indoor Environment section for existing buildings that contain indoor plants. You can view their requirements at greenglobes.com.

Improve Your Bottom Line

In addition to the health benefits, plants also bring the following benefits to the workplace...


Increase Productivity and Improve Worker Satisfaction

When a company provides and maintains plants for their employees, a message of goodwill is sent. Workers feel management cares because plants create a tended space giving people the sense of caring and well-being. In fact, in one study workers have demonstrated 12% more productivity with plants present.


Reduce Absenteeism

Studies have shown a reduction in employee complaints of fatigue by 20%, headaches by 45%, sore throats by 30%, and coughs by 40% in facilities with live plants. In addition, a few well-placed plants can help moderate the noise level and thus reduce stress, keeping employees happier and healthier at work.


Make Buildings Look More Welcoming

Subtle settings created by plants alleviate the harshness of the building environment. They create a warm, inviting refuge. In addition, plants can hide less attractive building features with elegant, functional solutions to service areas, kitchen entries, connecting walkways, etc.


Increase Tenant Occupancy and Retention

By maintaining healthy plants in attractively designed containers and displays, the character and appearance of the building improves. People want to stay; their perception of the building is positive.


Make a Design Statement

Interior landscaping is emerging as a “fashion-oriented” business. It can be the finishing touch to the overall design as focal points to catch the eye.


Realize Overall ROI

The sum total of benefits that plants bring to the work environment amounts to a substantial return on investment for the business owner/landlord. When it comes to improving productivity, reducing stress, and providing an overall healthier and more aesthetically inviting workplace, plants are a no-brainer.

Going Green

We are living in the midst of the Green Revolution, but have you ever wondered why it is referred to as Green? Plants are the foundation of nature and the Green Movement is about protecting and enjoying our natural environment for years to come.

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What We Do

Our mission is to raise awareness of the contribution plants make to a happier, healthier work environment, to do our part to help Dallas/Fort Worth be more green, and to contribute to creating a more sustainable environment overall. We are driven to continue providing world-class service while maintaining our friendly, small-company style.

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